- Digital Charts of Lough Corrib


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CorribCharts is back on-line!

"CorribCharts" is a digital chart of Lough Corrib which is available for a range of Garmin GPS Units & PC! Initially started as a fun project by myself, Niall O' F back in 2007, quite a successful mapping project came to be when two users of the lake came together. This partnership has now diminished and I am delighted to announce that CorribCharts is available to anyone.

It took extensive legal advise for CorribCharts to remain online and while it means a huge amount to say that CorribCharts is free, your donations will help re-coup some of the costs incured by me personally and help the CorribCharts project remain online and forever. You can make a donation by clicking on the 'Donate' button below. Thank you!

Lough Corrib

The shorelines of the islands and lake were created from aerial photographs. These were then geo-referenced by driving / cruising around the lake to various photo conspicuous points and using the Differential GPS track-logs and waypoint data collected to expand the image into the correct chart datum. The soundings from the original 1846 BA chart of the lake were then individually geo-referenced using headlands and marked points in order to move them into the correct positions and datum, then adjusted for the change in depth of the lake over the last 160 years. These soundings have been refreshed and expanded with new data gathered over many series of sounding runs on the lake and additional data has been gathered with side-scan sonar technology. These sounding runs will continue into the future and will be included in version updates. Every marker that aids navigation has been way-pointed and included on the map; however I am aware that there may be 'local' markers missing (ie. not the responsibility of Corrib Navigation Trustees). As 'eye candy', the most popular routes along the Corrib have also been included.

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